Colt / Crane MK18 MOD 0 10.3″ 5.56 upper receiver group for sale.
This is a previously-issued GWOT-era surplus Colt / NSWC-Crane MOD 0 CQBR upper that was re-barreled and inspected/gauged by Crane before being DLA’d to a federal agency. The barrel and muzzle device are new.
Original upper receiver with raised “C AF” (Accurate Forge) forge marks with the proper .mil proof mark as well.
Barrel is a factory Colt Crane-spec 10.3″ barrel with .070 gas port.
Original Colt M16 BCG with Crane extractor O-ring.
Bolt carrier is C-stamped. Bolt is MPC engraved.
Also comes with the original pre-9/11 Vero Beach KAC M4 RIS (not RAS) rail and CQD forward sling mount, as well as a new KAC M4QD NT4 muzzle device / suppressor mount, LMT rear BUIS, and PRI M84 “Gas Buster” charging handle.